The fifth copy of the immovable property sales invoice and the Property Right Acceptance Form will do. 税务员:凭我们给您开具的不动产发票第五联及产权受理单即可。
When purchasing invoice for the first time, you need to fill out "Assessment Form on Sales Tax Invoice Application". 初次购领发票,请填写《营业税发票使用鉴定表》。
It is common practice in international sales that the seller provides the buyer with certain documents: invoice, transport document, certificates, etc. 卖方向买方提供某些特定单证,如发票、运输单据、证书等,是国际买卖中的通常作法。
The staff of T Ltd in taiwan, on behalf of the HK company, would confirm and sign on the purchase orders received and prepare the sales invoice and packing list to m Ltd. 在台湾的t有限公司的职员收到购货订单后,便会代香港公司确认并签署订单,然后制备有关销货发票及装箱单,发给m有限公司。
After each transaction, please retain all your credential receipts, including the sales slip and the invoice, to check them against your bank statement. 用卡后,请妥善保管签单核发票等交易单据,以便与银行对账单核对。
The Sales Management System contains module as system management, product management, delivery management, invoice management, transport contract management, sales fund-callback management, data-type management, agent management, integrated search and so on. 销售管理系统包括系统管理、产品管理、发货管理、开票管理、运输合同管理、销售回款管理、数据打印管理、代理商管理和综合查询等模块。
S City, Shandong Province, the actual situation of the research, the overall framework of the model on the platform of the the VAT sales items invoice data acquisition and analysis for resolution. 通过对山东省S市的实际情况进行调研,对增值税销项发票数据采集与分析的平台模型总体框架进行解析。
Organic integration of the two sub-platform, set up the Web site, achieved sales of items VAT invoice data acquisition and analysis using functional. 通过对两个子平台有机集成,建立相应的Wleb网站,实现了增值税销项发票数据采集与分析利用功能。